#856: Friend or Foe?

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It's as good an explanation as any. I'm sure this was probably the scene of some boss battle in Golden Sun, and I've completely taken the scene out of context (and made it totally wrong), and there's probably some Golden Sun fan incensed that I would do such a thing.
And if I worried about things like that, I'd apologize. I don't worry about it, though, so... haha!
2014-12-20 09:02:30 
Well, this Golden Sun fan isn't in the slightest insulted at how you borrowed this image from what I do believe is the Jupiter Lighthouse (there are four elemental lighthouses in the Golden Sun games, but they use the names Jupiter, Mars, Venus, and Mercury to refer to them instead of Air/Wind, Fire, Earth, and Water respectively). Of course, I'm not sure if this was in the first or second Golden Sun game. Like the .hack games it's a single story spread across multiple titles (though only two here), and before you say it's to milk people I will point out that neither series in an individual manner could have completely fit on a single disc/cartridge in the first place (most of them were maxing out the space they could work with on a per title basis as it was). Yes, the PS2 could handle multi-disc games (as per Xenosaga Episodes II and III, as well as Grandia III), and the original .hack games could be fully completed (including maxing out EVERYONE's levels and doing all optional stuff) in about 30-40 hours per title, so in theory it could've been doable (the second .hack series is over 50 hours per title, can hit near the 80 mark), but then the flow if The World getting upgraded (fictional MMORPG setting, remember?) wouldn't have worked as well (not to mention between INFECTION and MUTATION there was supposed to be a setting story gap as well, not as prevalent in the later installments though).
2015-05-10 14:31:58 
This scene is from literally my absolute FAVORITE game, and I don't mind it being used here. In the setting of the game, it actually WAS a man-made structure, that WAS made to hold and collect energy (from a certain point of view) so serendipity abounds.

When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...

These guys are, sadly, the best the world can hope for. These are the adventures of the heroes of CVRPG. They mean well, they try hard, and occasionally they do the impossible...

They actually do something heroic.