This is 2000, Part 39

This Comic's Storylines:

Technically I think Alec is still the leader. They never had a vote to change that. Sure, they did have a vote to elect the Village Elder, so that could mean Princess is the leader instead. But, however you slice it, Darkmoon really isn't the leader anymore. Katrina pretty well has him wrapped around her finger, so he's at most fourth in command at this point.

When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...

These guys are, sadly, the best the world can hope for. These are the adventures of the heroes of CVRPG. They mean well, they try hard, and occasionally they do the impossible...

They actually do something heroic.