#2411: And the Third, Sadly

This Comic's Storylines:

This Comic's Cast:

Achievement Unlocked!

As I said, I could only bring into this part of the series my immortal characters -- Darkmoon, Golem, and obviously Angel. There's a reason he didn't show up first, though.

I will note that Angel is in his robes he's always worn. They don't look like they did in the past comics mostly because it was sprite work and you only get so much detail. In my head, though, he always wore a Roman-style robe, and now that I have the chance to do it up right, I will.

And yes, I'm the one drawing all this art. This is all me, so now we get to all suffer through my crappy skills at art permanently.
2015-05-18 00:39:10 
Nah. We'll only have to put up with your crappy art skills for a while. Then we get to have your okay art skills. Then we get to enjoy your good art skills.
2015-05-18 00:53:07 
I'm not sure I understand your page footers well. Why does the left one say "CVRPG 2049" while the chapter title page said "CVRPG 2499"? Also, in the font you use it's *really* hard to distinguish between 0 and 9.
2015-05-18 01:15:02 
Wow, I never knew that about Angel. I had always interpreted the robes as those generic ones associated with the holy winged folk. And your art skills are better than mine, and unless you suffer from the same ailment I have, DeltaPangaea is right. You'll improve. I'm the only person in the world who can repeatedly perform and never do any better.
2015-05-18 06:29:47 
I'm going to miss easy to read outlined text. Time to adjust to slightly blurry zoomed in text! Also I never knew there was a comment section in the previous format.
Mike Finkelstein
2015-05-18 08:59:03 
The comics all said "2049" instead of "2499" because I failed. My bad. I'm fixing them so no one that reads these comments in the future will know what you were talking about. Haha. I'm also adjusting the text size on the body of the comics (footers will get fixed on future comics down the road once we finish an "issue"). The size of the text was legible for me, but I'd prefer it to be readable for everyone. Kind of the goal. ;)
2015-05-18 14:37:01 
Okay, no problem then!
2015-05-18 22:38:16 
I kinda hope we can see the other characters in this style at some point. Yeah, Alex and Princess are retired, and it's also been 800 years, but I still wanna see.
2015-05-19 10:02:48 
Y'know, considering that this is the first time you drew the comic youself (as far as I know) this looks really good.
2015-05-19 15:40:10 
I agree, I don't see what there is to complain about. True art people will appreciate the style, not nit pick it

When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...

These guys are, sadly, the best the world can hope for. These are the adventures of the heroes of CVRPG. They mean well, they try hard, and occasionally they do the impossible...

They actually do something heroic.