#2636: Command Decisions, Part 4

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No one should ever, ever trust Angel. Ever.

But of course he can time-travel back to when Ceres was whole and get what's needed to prove the Admiral's case. The various parts of Ceres are still floating around, so he can lock on their gravity (which is what he used to pull himself back to the starbase), and with that lock on he can also travel back and forth on the Ceres timeline.

Back is probably much easier, since soon there won't be much more forth he can lock on to.
2016-03-28 11:59:43 
Huh. . . I thought this form of use for Angel's powers was to be avoided?
2016-03-28 14:34:58 
I figure he can't CHANGE the past, but that doesn't prevent him from getting information from the past. Especially given that everyone and everything on the base will be gone shortly after they go there, so there's not even a particular risk of paradox. It's hard to change too much of the timeline when the place you caused alterations is going to explode anyways.
2016-03-29 00:30:38 
I was thinking more along the lines of "why doesn't Angel just time-warp all the problems away" than the paradox angle.
Nicholas Farquharson-McIntyre
2016-03-29 11:51:52 
I mean... because that would cause a paradox? I thought "Angel can't fix all problems with time travel because it would cause a paradox" was a given here, and my explanation was about why this is an exception.
2016-03-29 11:52:34 
Oops. Stupid autofill, revealing my real name.
2016-03-29 12:02:29 
@Nicholas Farquharson-McIntyre: Ohhhkay, that makes more sense now.

When evil spreads across the land, and darkness rises and the monsters roam. When the creatures of the night make beautiful music, and the things that go bump in the night go bump with greater enthusiasm. When the world is in peril and is in need of a hero...

These guys are, sadly, the best the world can hope for. These are the adventures of the heroes of CVRPG. They mean well, they try hard, and occasionally they do the impossible...

They actually do something heroic.