#1021: The Good Book Says...

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I would try to walk back the comment about fundamentalists... but I really can't. Normally I don't want to offend anyone too much (and I'm usually fair about picking on all people equally), but I just can't find any way to see religion from the perspective of fundamentalists.
I just get lost at the concept of taking something as presented and NOT interpreting it through your own filter. I can't just hear something and go "I'm going to repeat that verbatim because obviously what was told/read/written was exactly as it should be and could not, ever, have been filtered through someone else's perspective."
I know, I know, the Bible (for instance) is supposed to be "God's Word" (and I'm sure I lost someone there for saying "supposed to be"), but on who's authority do we accept that fact? God's? Well that just seems like a circular argument to me, a Catch 22 of evidence and confirmation.
I understand religion, but I just need more evidence (for anything, not just spiritual stuff) before I accept it as "fact".
2014-12-25 13:31:05 
Actually, I can give you an even better argument against the Bible being purely and entirely God's Word. The Bible itself is a collection of various Holy Texts all compiled together, and various religions from the same area didn't agree on which texts were Holy Texts, but on ones they do agree on if you compare what they have today those texts no longer have the same implied meaning if you take them at face value. To further argue against these 'Fundamentalists' is the fact that the Bible's Old Testament is just the Holy Book of the Jews, and there are quite a few lines in it that have been heavily altered, such as "Thou shalt not suffer a poisoner to live." becoming "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." which have drastically different meanings (and historically have been used in extremely different ways) but both lines are supposed to originate from the same Holy Book. Obviously somewhere someone changed something, and in that one example it was quite probably either for political gain or to aid in controlling the ignorant masses.

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